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EMEA Technology EMEA Technology

INOVANCE Industrial Automation Solutions

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EMEA Technology EMEA Technology

Motion Controllers
I/O Modules

A central motion controller with PLC features

EtherCAT communicative multi-axis motion controller (up to 32 axes) supports remote I/O connection via ethercat, 16 inputs 8 outputs, built-in high-speed I/O, 8 AB phase high-speed counters, 4 groups of pulse positioning, Additional modules can be added to the main CPU module to manage different I/O October...

EMEA Technology EMEA Technology

Servo Motors & Drives

Servo Drives & Motors

The Inovance Servo drives and motors are designed to work together as a package solution to achieve optimal performance.

EMEA Technology EMEA Technology

INOVANCE New MD800 Compact AC Multi-Drive

The MD800 answers the OEMs' call for lower installation costs and smaller machine cabinets. With a modular design that allows up to 8 drivers to be connected per single power unit, it reduces the total driver footprint by up to 50% compared to traditional single driver modules.

EMEA Technology EMEA Technology

PLC and HMI Family

Inovance PLC's are reliable and durable.Small and medium-sized products can be flexibly configured and support field data paths. Our HMI is with clear video and easy to use. Although it is suitable for use with products from other manufacturers, Innovation in Driver,Plc V. For better performance.it is recommended to use it together with b products.

EMEA Technology EMEA Technology EMEA Technology EMEA Technology